Nov 23, 2003 14:52
RDT was awesome i had such a great time and we did so good i loved it! i was a bit nervous at first but it was so fun i can't wait for next semester to do it again! the girls and brion came they are so sweet. friday night my mom bob steph and russ came it was nice of them and then all the girls and brion and spencer came too and sat night d and steph came again and they brought me flowers and kristen briought me flowers too because she oculdn't make it they are so nice to me! i can't wait to go home and see everyone it is going to be so awesome ahhhh i can' wait and all the food man o man!
on another note i love how people just come into our room with the intent to bitch us out its wonderful and then they scared shitless and have nothing to say that is actually worth listening to its great
anyways it was another great weekend and i shaved brion's head that was crazy times and hair everywhere good times.... we have been watching christmas movies and i am so getting in the holiday spirit we are picking secret santa names tonight!!!