i'm so happy to be home! i was so home sick by the end of our trip, even though it was the same trip we've been doing for the past 11 years...but i wanted to get home to my friends. so leaving Prince Edward Island at 5 am, and then driving the nine hours home, it was a long day, and then band practice at 6...but i was so happy to be home! i've
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As for drum major stuff... I'm not going to lie, you probably will mess up at some point, because nobody is perfect, not even drum majors (no matter how much you or other people think you're supposed to be!).. but you will mess up a lot less often than you think you will. And when you do make a mistake, the key is in how well you cover it. It's okay to admit when you're wrong, in fact the band will appreciate it- like if you drop a beat while conducting and it throws the band off, it's good to say something like "Sorry, that was my fault" because it shows that you do not always blame the band for everything. (But don't admit false blame either; if it's their fault then it's their fault, if it's yours then it's yours.) But in things other than conducting, mistakes are *very* easy to cover; like if you call out a wrong command, most of the time you can just go with it and it'll be fine. Another important thing is to not *show* that you're afraid or that you think you're going to mess up, because that shows a lack of confidence, and it's very important that the drum majors are the most confident people on the field (or that they at least appear to be), since they are the leaders of the band. I don't know if Ms. B. or TJ has told you this little hint or not (Craig was the one who told us, so I don't know if you've seen him yet for him to tell you)...so sorry if I'm repeating something you've already heard, but- your stance during things like basics is something to consider- for example, if the band is at attention, you should have a firm and strong posture as well; you don't have to be at attention, but you shouldn't look completely relaxed. Even if you're not the one commanding- like if TJ is calling commands and clapping, you should still stand up straight, don't slouch on your hip or anything like that.
*phew* that was long...just trying to pass down the "drum major wisdom" hehe.
We need ER night part 2, when Jenny gets back from running camp and before I leave for college. Small window of opportunity!
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