Steam Train Excursion

Jul 23, 2010 11:38

On Saturday September 11th, the Sacramento Steampunk Society and the Great Basin Costume Society will board recently restored 1914 pullman cars behind a recently restored steam engine for an all-day excursion from Carson City to Virginia City and return. We will dine at Red's Old 395 Grill in the evening. Red's has great old steamy decor - including a horse-drawn fire wagon hanging from the ceiling. All steampunks are welcome and encouraged to join us.

The train ride is one and a half hours each way, with costumed docents and conductors to reveal the history of the train and the passing countryside. We will have a costumed local guide for a short walking tour of Virginia City then have time to eat and shop in the historic silver mining town. This is the same day as the Camel and Ostrich races - so it should be interesting.Train tickets are $50 per adult.

Mark your calendar now and RSVP on Facebook for the Steam Train Excursion. Our Facebook event invitation has been recently updated with details about the trp.

We will meet at the train depot in Carson City, Nevada at 9:30 AM Saturday (Train leaves at 10)
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