Sacramento Steampunk Society Outing to the California Railroad Museum

Apr 21, 2010 14:19

News update on this Sunday's Sacramento Steampunk Society outing to Old Town Sacramento, Huntington Hopkins Hardware Store, California State Railroad Museum and the historic Delta King paddlewheel riverboat!

All Northern California steampunks are invited to join us for this immersion in the (almost) reality of Victorian era California. Costumes (steampunk, victorian, western...) are highly encouraged.

There is no admission charge to the Huntington Hopkins Hardware Store
which is adjacent to the Railroad Museum (towards the river from the
Museum entrance). We will meet at 1:30 in the hardware store and
gather up there before moving to the ticket window of the Museum as a
group about 2:00. There is a small group discount available if we
all line up together ($8 instead of $9).

Once in the Museum we will wander as things individually interest us,
but I encourage everyone to
return to the Museum Theater for the 3PM showing of a history film.
There are lots of steamy trains in the museum to look at, and the
ticket includes admission to the separate rail car barn near the
river. The museum closes at 5PM at which time we will adjourn to the
nearby Delta King river boat pilothouse for drinks, food and

Since there are so many attractions in Old Town and there is a living
history fair that day, you may want to come early and explore that
before meeting with the group at 1:30.

More information is available on our Google Group:
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