***This message is brought to us by the good people at Credo Action.***
If you thought that decisions made by the Texas State Board of Education don't affect you, think again.
Led by far-right ideologues, the Texas State Board of Education recently gave preliminary approval to a plan that would radically change what children across the country learn in history class.
The ultra-conservative majority on the board (none of whom are experts in any academic discipline and many of whom are explicitly anti-science) took the curricula proposed by teachers and made more than 100 changes to "correct" the perceived left-wing bias.
But it gets worse. Since Texas is one of the largest textbook markets in the country, material written to carter to the Texas curricula will find its way into textbooks across the country unless textbook publishers take a stand.
We can't allow a small group of extreme ideologues on the Texas State Board of Education to re-write history. Click the link to tell textbook publishers to stand up to the Texas Taliban.
http://act.credoaction.com/campaign/textbooks/?r_by=8258-1257545-XGsVaZx&rc=paste1 If you decide to sign this petition, leave a comment so I'll have some idea I'm generating signatures. Much appreciated!