I hate how everyone loves crappy movies like
"Cujo." A commercial for that movie is on right now. The tragic story of a young man who loved a dog, but the dog turned out to be a demonic hell-hound. The boy's father forbids the dog entry to his property, and puts up barriers around the property. There are stacks of mattresses and shelves and sports equipment at every gate, and a large craggy canyon at every other part of the property line. The father walks around the property holding his baby boy, his other son's baby brother. The horrible dog yaps and jumps at the other side of the canyon. The man drops his baby, and goes to pick up a piece of corn from the tall green grass. He pitches it into the canyon, only to look down and see that his baby is gone. He searches the grass briefly before the red flash that is his baby's jumper catches his eye. He picks up the child and holds him in one arm. "You sure did eat a lot of that corn," he says, wiping the child's mouth with his free hand. "That's my boy!"
Now we get it. The dog is a horrible hell-hound, but the child is a demon himself! The dog has only been trying to save the young man and his family from the demon baby that his slithered it's way into their trusting hearts! But sadly, their prejudice against hell-hounds will be their undoing as the father takes the child back inside.