Random politics

Jul 14, 2008 18:47

So there has been some extended complaining, on the part of video gamers, about a comment Obama made.

I know how hard it will be to alleviate poverty that has built up over centuries, how hard it will be to fix schools, because changing our schools will require not just money, but a change in attitudes.

We're going to have to parent better, and turn off the television set, and put the video games away, and instill a sense of excellence in our children, and that's going to take some time.

Now, look. I have my doubts about politicians as much as anyone, and Obama is no exception. And I dislike the demonizing of video games. But video games are entertainment, and recreation, and saying kids are going to have to put their toys away and work is not denigrating video games, or linking them with failure, it's saying that academic success actually requires motivation, effort, and hard work on many fronts. Good lord. Video games, just like reading fiction, aren't productive. Doesn't mean they are not good, useful parts of a healthy life. This should not be a political controversy.
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