T.h.e. W.h.o.s
Who is in the house with you? if by house you mean apt: the roomie, NOT the cool one
Who was the last person to IM you? my sister i think
Who are you thinking about now? randy ; )
Who did you last talk to on the phone? my mother
Who's house did you last go to? the parents'
Who is the last person to see you smile? probably nick and vanessa
Who is the last person who made you nervous? my mother
Who's birthday is next? nick's
Who was the last person you told you love them? my mother
Who do you wish you were with right now? my sister, cuz she's upset
Who gets on your nerves the most? i'll give you one guess...
Who do you hope will take this survery?it's long, no one will
Who do you want to see today? all the cool people, obviously
T.h.e. W.h.e.r.e.s.
Where do you go to school? marquette
Where do you live? currently milwaukee
Where is your phone? on my table 3 inches away
Where are your parents? at home i'm guessing
Where do you sleep? my bed usually, in my apt
Where do you shop the most? probably walmart, cuz i'm pooor yo
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? t j maxx
Where did you last take a car ride to? my apt from the theatre
Where in your house are you? my living room
Where did you get this survey? suzanne
T.h.e. W.h.a.t.s
What was the last thing you ate? a carmel delight cookie
What was the last thing you drank? milk
What color pants are you wearing? dark denim
What is the closest item near you that is blue? my couch
What do you like about school? that i can see my friends almost every day
What are you wearing on your feet? nothing, they're naked!
What instant messaging service do you use? AIM.
What is your favorite color? purple, and orange
What is your screen name on aim? pandorasbox016
What is your favorite away message? song lyrics
What is your favorite website?
http://www.nobodyhere.com/justme/me.hereWhat is your favorite shoe brand? kenzie..too bad i can't afford them
What do you wear more; jeans or skirts? probably jeans, but it's a close call
What is the last movie watched? orgazmo. FUNNY AS HELL!!!
What song do you currently hear? none
T.h.e. W.h.y.s
Why does basically half the world have a myspace? who knows? i only have facebook
Why did you pick your myspace user name? i didn't
Why do we have to go to school? so's we know shit 'bout the world
Why did you take this particular survey? avoiding hw, why else?!
Why are your best friends your best friends? cuz they're the best!
Why are people labeled (like emo, goth, prep etc.)? if we didn't label and stereotype, our brains would explode from stimulus overload
Why is wood brown? because it wants to be
Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over and over? to drill the information into the heads of people with short attention spans
Why is everyone obsessed over the Olympics? idk, i get bored with them easily
T.h.e. W.h.e.n.s
When did everyone become obsessed with myspace? like 2 yrs ago maybe?
When did you start school? in 1989
When did you meet your best friend? the beginning of freshman yr of high school
When did you last go to the mall? yesterday...i worked
When did you last buy a new pair of pants? uhhh sometime like october maybe?
When did you last burn a candle? a coule of months ago
When were you last at school? 3.5 hrs ago