Debconf 6, Day 6

May 27, 2006 00:35

High jump
Originally uploaded by sfllaw.
I missed most of Friday's talks due to some sleeping in. At conferences, I try really, really hard not to succumb to exhaustion, but all those late nights eventually take a toll on me. By the time I got up, people had already left, so I took a leisurely shower and padded off to the Tower. I caught Meike's talk on giving good presentations and wondered if I should do something similar at some other conference?

After lunch, we gathered on the grass to take a group photograph. Aigars Mahinovs then climbed up the stairs to the top of the ten metre diving platform, and stared down at us with his borrowed lens. I attempted to convince people to participate in a group hug, but this was fairly difficult. If you look closely, you can see a small island of us. It actually took quite a few shots for Aigars to get a picture, but the results turned out quite well. At least for me. I was wearing a hat, you see, so I didn't have to squint.

Rain started to fall again, so people rapidly ran for cover. I ducked into a covered walkway, where we were starting our GnuPG keysigning. I went through a lot of passports and met a lot of people. Venezuelans have the best passport photographs, bar none. And I got to see a non-national identity card. I have to get me one of those.

Hotel Zacatepec
Originally uploaded by sfllaw.
Dinner was held at a restaurant with live music, which we had to ask be turned down. That's because a bunch of us had gotten together for a brainstorming session. I think we came up with some useful things we could do, on both sides, to improve co-operation between Debian and Ubuntu. So I was pretty happy about that.

Afterwards, the rain was coming down hard so we rushed back to the hotel room to change. I remember walking on to the HackLab veranda and seeing a bunch of people standing against the walls looking uncomfortable. Aha! It was good that I was wearing my dancing shoes, as we were obviously attending the second anuual Debconf ball.

Wolfgang taught me the steps to Argentine tango, but I really couldn't find a partner. So I danced by myself, drawing glances from everyone, until I found some people to dance with. Sadly, many attendees were too shy, or claimed that they were clueless. Of course, I didn't know what I was doing, so they couldn't possibly do any worse.

Perhaps next year, they can be convinced. It really is fun, you know.

conferences, debconf, mexico, p.u.o, p.d.o, oaxtepec, photos, debian

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