Aug 04, 2005 13:51
Ok... some time back I did my little rant on how the people on Atkins take an unwavering Holier-Than-Thou attitude thinking and acting as if their way is the only way.
Over the course of the last few months, I have adopted a healthier way of eating which is limiting the amount of bread, rice, pasta, and sugar that I consume. Yes, it's low-carb, but it involves eating a lot more veggies, and (interestingly) I feel a lot better and have lost some weight. (whoo hoo!)
In an effort to educate myself, I joined a low-carb recipe list on Yahoo, and while there are a few recipes, there is some good discussion regarding glycemic indexes of food, how people who are diabetic respond to different things, etc. Well, today I got the digest of messages and there was a posting of a recipe for some dessert, and in the recipe it called for 1 (count them: 1, One, uno) crushed graham cracker, and then to be topped with cool-whip. I'm reading this and thinking to myself, "Self, I can see this isn't exactly low in sugar, but I can see how one could make substitutions to make it so." Then I read the next email totally flaming the person to have the nerve to put a recipe for something so high in sugar on a low-carb list. And took great pains to research how many carbs the individual ingredients add. I about wrote the person back to ask why they were so bloody inflexible in their life that they can't figure out how to take the suggestion and adapt it to fit their lifestyle. And how, perhaps, if one practices moderation, and one doesn't have health limitations, something like that can fit in, if you have a small bit, once in a great while. And, maybe, just maybe, if you put half the energy you took into slamming someone, and focused it on how you can do something good for yourself, you might not be such a twit...
Oh yeah, did I mention I'm feeling cranky?