it is the source of many many problems between friends, as well as AIM. that sucks too. so yeah, im not going to update this much anymore in protest of other peoples problems
no i did not say anything controversial that someone didnt like. i didnt piss anyone off...or did i?
anywaysssssssssssssss read my ESSAY! Ive been working on it forever, and its my semester paper. so yeah, read it and tell me what you think. obviously its not done, just a draft.
The media has swindled the US population into a delusional state of mind. The have not been stressing the issue that what is happening today all over the world is an epidemic; it needs to be stopped. Terrorists all over the world are spawning at an exponential rate. World War Three is here and Armageddon is coming. Because of our massive influence on people all over the world, we have the power to manipulate other world leaders’ decisions. This upsets people and sometimes they feel the need to go through extreme measures to avenge against our country. This country needs to wake up and realize that terrorism is a global problem, not just our problem(
The war began in 1979, when Islamic militant students seized the US Embassy in Tehran. Fifty-two American citizens were taken hostage, and were held captive for 444 days( This event was the originating point for global terror, and specifically attacks against the US. As I was researching the multiple chronologies of attacks against the US for the past twenty-five years or so, I noticed a trend. The trend connects all of the attacks to extremist Islamic religious factions. The terrorists attacking the US specifically have become braver in the past decade. Their first attacks in the 1980's were materialistic, and were mainly bombings of prominent US government buildings. Hundreds of US citizens were murdered. In the 1990's, they "upgraded" to more civilian casualties. A good example of this would be the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 where seven civilians were murdered and hundreds more were injured. 1998 marked the turn around year when the US retaliated against terrorists. On August 7th, the US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya was demolished in a truck bomb explosion. It was coordinated with a simultaneous attack in Tanzania. Between the two attacks, 224 Americans were killed and over 5,000 were injured. Thirteen days later, United States responded with cruise missile attacks on strategic points in Afghanistan and Sudan suspected of creating chemical weapons. Osama bin Laden was the mastermind behind these three attacks. They were clearly attacks against the US on our soil. Four years ago condemned the US to the largest attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor. September 11th will be a day people around the world will always remember. Two full-size passenger planes were hijacked, and flown into the Twin Towers causing them to collapse and murder more thank 3,000 innocent people. Another plane was flown into the Pentagon where almost 200 more were killed. Why would terrorists kill innocent people? What do they have against us?(
The terrorists attacking the US daily are Islamic extremists. Not all Muslim's are extremists, there are only a small minority. Most Muslim's are not fundamentalists, and most fundamentalists are not terrorists but most present day terrorists are and identify themselves this was. Al Qaeda is one of the Islamic extremist groups. Their organization is present in more than sixty countries around the world, including the United States (SATP April 7, 2005). The group was formed in the late eighties, and has evolved to become the primary source of funds of Islamic terrorists around the world. "If only one percent of the world's Muslim's accept uncompromising theology, and ten percent of that one percent decide to commit themselves to a radical agenda, the recruitment pool of al Qaeda comes to one million" (Haqquani, 2003, p.70). Al Qaeda also has connections with other fundamentalist groups all over the world, such as Egypt's Al Jihad, and Iran's Hezbollah. The "Islamic Group" also has close ties with Al Qaeda. This group used to be led by Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, however it has nearly collapsed from its previous size because Rahman is serving a life sentence for his role in the 1993 bombing of the world trade center. Two of Rahman's sons have been suspected of joining force with bin Laden. The common theme between these groups is that they believe that the US is supporting "heretic" regimes around the world. Their goal is to overthrow these "heretic" regimes and replace them with Islamic political systems( These fundamentalist groups also do not support the involvement of US troops in the Gulf War; especially the fact that the troops were still in the area after the war was over.
On October 7, 2001, the United States began a campaign in Afghanistan and surrounding countries to be known as Operation Enduring Freedom. Originally, the name was Operation Infinite Justice, however that idea was nixed in favor of Enduring Freedom. (In Islam, it is taught that only Allah is the only one that can provide Infinite Justice. ) Their mission: to liberate Afghanistan from the Taliban ruled government. The Taliban, also known as mujahideen ("holy warriors"), formed between 1979-1989 during the Soviet Occupation if Iraq. In 1992, Kabul was overtaken, and a collective government was created. The newly created government consisted of a highly competitive group of individuals. This led to turmoil, the government collapsed, and Afghanistan was left a " collection of territories held by competing warlords." ( Infoplease April 9 ). In 1994, Pakistan trained a group of individuals, hereon known as taliban to protect a convoy trying to open a trade route between Afghanistan and Pakistan. They did a decent job, and the taliban went on to conquer the city of Kandahar and eventually Kabul. The new taliban government was able to restore some peace, commerce as well as remove corruption. Living under the taliban ruled Afghanistan was brutal. Public executions at Afghani soccer stadiums became a daily event. They governed by the laws of Sharia, or Islamic law. Another problem with the Islamic law, is the treatment of women. When the taliban became the official government recognized by other countries (only Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates recognized it as the official government), the treatment of women went downhill and women were outlawed from doing anything. They could not work outside of home or wear fingernail polish. Also, they were unable to leave their home without being accompanied by a man. The main issue with taliban that the rest of the world did not agree upon was the fact that taliban sheltered al Qaeda and other fundamentalist groups. They allowed for al Qaeda to run its training camps in its territories, funded the taliban, and even married into the family. Osama bin Laden supposedly had one of his daughters married to Mullah Muhammad Omar. He also fought for the mujahideen( To complicate the situation more, nearly ninety percent of the Pakistani military is comprised of a minority group known as Pashtuns. The Pashtuns are loyal to the taliban government and ways of life. This makes the Pakistani military very unstable, and could easily go into chaos and anarchy if the wrong buttons are pushed (
yup have fun :)