This article documents something truly amazing. I don't have a lot of commentary on it, as the author herself seems a bit incredulous at the entire idea of a blog devoted to griping about having to trim off a portion of the utterly wretchèd excess that constituted these women's entire lives now that their finance jockey boyfriends/lovers/paramours/husbands are having to eat pay cuts.
There are two things, though, besides the obvious, that stand out to me in this article that need raising.
1: Of all the groups that could lash out against these women, the ones they're concerned about most are feminists? I mean, there are sure plenty of reasons for feminists to be upset about the lifestyles of women who essentially whore themselves out to a man in exchange for lavish treatment, but right now? I think that they ought to be more concerned about the vastly larger group of relatively normal people who live on a budget being completely livid.
2: This quote needs some attention: "We felt our relationships were being victimized by the economy ... Not knowing what else to do, we did what enraged yet articulate people have done since the beginning of time. We started a blog."
...Apparently, "the beginning of time" is somewhere around 1997.