I saw a webcomic called
xkcd linked from a
weblog I frequently read. I love this new comic so very much.
I saw this, and thought of a particular friend of mine.
I saw this, and thought, "Here is the perfect description of the last two years of my life."
I saw this, and remembered why I don't have an account on YouTube.
I saw this, and hoped that the woman I will one day marry will be this damn cool.
I saw this, and thought of my best friend from high school.
I saw this, and thought of
these two, even though neither of them are really that geeky.
I saw this, and thought of
I saw this, and thought of that girl I had a crush on last fall.
I saw this, and thought of
The Dizzy.
I saw this, and thought of my best friend from high school again. And he's not even
I saw this, and thought of
I saw this, and thought of
Joey again.
Man, I could use some coffee right now.