Had a Dynamic Systems and Controls exam this morning. Yuck. I left that one wanting to cry in my beer.
Studying for it, I had an interesting experience. Now,
some of you may remember the now-legendary dream I had last semester while studying for a Thermal-Fluid Systems exam. In the entry I just linked, though, I got certain details of the occurrence wrong, namely, the time and circumstances. After thinking about my chain of events that night, I realized that it happened while I was at school, in a crowded study lounge. I am thus quite glad that I woke up while we were still at "kissing", because I tend to talk in my sleep.
Why do I bring this up? It happened again. Well, sort of. Since I wasn't directly involved in the contents, I suppose I could describe it:
One of my classmates kinda resembles
Jake Gyllenhaal. Not like "OHMYGOSHIDENTICALTWINS" or anything, but I would believe it if he told me they were cousins. My gaydar is pretty good, and this classmate doesn't set it off at all. Also, there are no gay engineers at UT. If there are, they must be so deep in the closet that it will take a team of skilled excavators to get them out. So I was quite surprised to hear him describe, in the computer lab, in a very loud voice, how
he learned from experience that being really aggressive when
bottoming can help keep the muscles tight in the sphincter (implying the prevention of a certain slackness in that region that my dear friend
Ethan always cites in great detail as to why he could never be a homosexual).
The whole thing confused me greatly, I must admit, because the dream happened while I was actually in the computer lab, with that guy there. I know that didn't really happen. It couldn't've. I don't think?