Good news: no hypoglycemic attack. That's due to me snacking before I left the hotel lat night to drive home.
After getting about 5 hours of sleep, I woke up to find that I couldn't convert the sport cute back into a cargo van. It took about five minutes to realize I had to get the big part of the back seat into proper position so that it would fold and flip. It turns out the back seat can move forward and backward. I didn't know that.
Breakfast and lunch were at the con suite.
I left Jewish penicillin for the one dealer who needs it along with the registration forms for 2017. Everyone signed up, so we're full for 2017.
The only part of the program I went to was the first part of the closing ceremonies. Everyone was thanked. I do not stay for the singing of the "camp song" because I start crying. Announcements were made about upcoming filk conventions. I made mention of the fact that for reasons to which I'm not privy, in all likelihood, this will be the last
Concord (as of this date, the link takes you to the 2015 convention) ever. I explained how this convention had been going on for over 30 years and if people are able, they should go and make this last one a blast. I should note that it's been combined with another convention (Westercon, if I remember correctly) for several years. I'm sorry to see it go.
Some new albums have been added to the store, including Michael Longcor's latest, a newer CD from Ookla the Mok, and Glen Raphael's first CD (he was the Interfilk guest this year). I'll put up more information after I REST, probably Tuesday. I return to work tomorrow.
When I got home, my neighbor, whom I've been helping with some stuff, helped me unload the sport cute. After checking a few things, I'll be heading to bed as I will return to work in the morning. As far as I can tell, I did better this year than I did last year. Making costs was easier because I commuted to the convention instead of staying at the hotel (just a wee bit pricey). We'll see what happens next year. I hope things continue to improve. As far as the guests for 2017, let me suggest you go to
the website starting in a few days and see.