Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Hot

Jul 10, 2008 07:58

 Man, I had a great weekend.  Liam and I went up to Ottawa again for 4 days to stay with my aunt.  We saw the cousin's again, I really like Jeremy's girlfriend, she's so nice to me.  I even got some jewelry from my aunt that she didn't want anymore!  We also saw Shira, which was so nice... she made us an incredible dinner and we swam in her pool.  I almost typed slept... that would not be safe.  We went to the casino which was a hoot, and on my first turn I more than doubled my money!  It was only 5 bucks, but still... pretty awesome, we should go sometime.  On the way to the casino there was a roadside fair - how awesome is that!  I forgot how much my body dislikes the zipper though... I had to drink 3 cups of tea at the casino to feel better!  Lame!

What else did we do... we rode bikes a LOT.  All the way to Parliament from my aunt's house.  It was 30km's in 2 days, so much fun... we went to Bluesfest and saw some great bands, Snooop Dogg, Weakerthans, James Taylor... they were all so great.  I had a blast.  I'd like to make it an annual thing.  I also bought a beautiful white perforated leather purse.  It was only $70, which may seem expensive for a purse... but real leather?!  Come on...

Today I have an interview at Urban Outfitters.  I REALLY hope I get it... Wish me luck!

PS I have a lot of time to write letters at work, so write to me!  I'm really good at writing back quickly these days, and I hope you are too.  If you don't have my address, leave a post and I'll give it to you!
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