Title: Portrait of an Independent Genius
bad_hay Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: John Druitt/f, mentions of John Druitt/James Watson
Chapter warnings: Sex, prostitution, brief mention of sexual assault
Spoilers: Since this story chronicles John's history, I'm gonna be safe and say any flashbacks up through the most current episode are fair game.
Disclaimer: Sanctuary and its lovely characters are not mine. Montague John Druitt, the real-life cricketer, is also not mine.
Chapter summary: John didn't have to ask how William discerned the "right sort", for at that moment the coach turned onto the Haymarket and there they were--women in bright silks and tartans wearing no cover to speak of, women sitting on balconies with their legs crossed, women talking, laughing, flirting, drinking.
I. The Red FlowerII. NativityIII. Manners Makyth ManIV. The Gentleman's GameV. Then Sin IVI. The Haymarket Affair