Writers! Check in time!!

Aug 31, 2011 13:58

10k checkin!

If you want art, this is mandatory. You can still finish the big-bang, but you won't have art. We need to give the artists time to get their works done, ya know?

WHAT YOU NEED TO EMAIL: (please read carefully!)

SUBJECT LINE: [LiveJournal name] [title of the story]

ATTACH: Your current draft of the story, attached in .doc or .txt format (whatever you send should be open and readable!) Please save this attachment as your LiveJournal name and then your title.

For example: grav_ity-titleofyourstoryhere.doc (or .txt, etc.). We don't care how rough the draft is, we just wanna make sure you've written at least 10k of it. The mods will be the only ones to see these attachments (and all we'll do is run a word count). If your story doesn't have a title yet, then simply use Untitled as your title.


Author name(s):
Current Word Count and Expected Total Word Count:
Summary for artist: (something that will look like the fic summary for the website. Don't worry, this isn't your final summary, but keep it interesting as it will entice the artists/readers!)
Beta(s): (if any, at this point.)

Paste into the body of the email 2-4 scenes that you'd like to see artwork for. (The artists are not obligated to choose one of these, but the scenes are meant to give them a starting point.) Each scene can be up to 1k. This portion is NOT optional if you want an artist. If you can't choose from anything you've written thus far, at least put down a detailed description of the scene so that the artist has something to work with.

Timezone question: if it is September 1 ANYWHERE ON EARTH, you can still send in your email, make the deadline, and go into the artist pool.

The email address is gravity[dot]not[dot]included[at]gmail[dot]com.

Time for a poll!

Poll Check in!

The Artist claim page will get posted on September 6, when grav_ity gets back from the cottage, at which point the artists will claim stories on a first come, first serve basis. More instructions about that will follow, and we will try our best to give you a heads up so you know when we're posting :)

You can change your dropout status anytime before the mandatory check in closes. Once it is no longer Sept 1 anywhere on the planet, the mods will consider your decision final.

!questions: questions that need answerin, !mod post, !writers

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