Aug 21, 2013 10:29

Hello everyone,

So we have six stories to pick from. I will open this round for 24 hours to see if all of the artists are still here. Once the 24 hours are up, if there are any stories left, I will re-open the claim for artist to pick another if they so choose.

How to claim: Please just look through the stories and in a comment below put your top two choices. I will comment back ASAP to which one you got. This is a first come first serve claiming.

Authors, if you are watching the comment below, please do not contact
your artist until the reveal post have been posted. Thank you.

1 (Mega)

Title: Lost Somewhere in the Dark
Rating: Explicit
Characters/Pairings: Helen Magnus/James Watson
Word Counts: 19,084
Warnings: Violence and bloodiness
Spoilers: The Five, Breach, Normandy, Tempus
Author's Notes: None

Summary: James Watson travels to Occupied France when a series of murders baffles the local police and begins to fear that Helen Magnus has followed John Druitt's descent into madness.

2 (Mega)

Title: ???: A Sexual Awakening in Five Acts
Pairings: Helen/John, Helen/'Sally', Helen/James, Helen/Bigfoot, Helen/Nikola
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 21,000

Summary: Four times Helen Magnus learned about herself through sex, and one time she didn't.

3 (Mini)

Title: But the tigers come at night
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Helen/Kate
Word Counts: 8119
Warnings: pirate-y non-con I guess, rough handling
Spoilers: none
Author's Notes: This is a pirate!AU

Summary: Fighting pirates had always sounded glorious - the reality is quite different.

4 (Mega)

Title: The butterflies they flutter by
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Helen/Kate
Word Counts: >23k
Warnings: BDSM, Hurt/Comfort all the way
Spoilers: takes place after SFN II
Author's Notes: aaall the feelz ;)

Summary: Kate and Helen are together again, but things aren't what they were.

5 (Big)

Title: Moonlight Heat
Rating: NC17
Characters: The Five (Helen, John, James, Nikola, Nigel), Ashley, Bigfoot, Henry, Will, Kate, The Cabal, and mentions of other.
Pairings: Nikola/Nigel/John/Helen/James (in different pairings and mention of them altogether), Nikola/Helen, Nikola/Henry
Word Count: >10K
Warnings: Explicit sex scenes, Violence, mention of herbal drugs, biting/marking claiming, knotting, and mention of Mpreg.
Author's Notes/Spoilers: This is a Omegavrese AU where the vampires, werewolves, and some other Abnormals have the whole A/B/O dynamics but not human. It's mainly base on the show, with a few mentions of events but it has some twists to it. In this AU, the Source Blood does a little bit more to Nikola then just turns him into a vampire. Also in this world, Nikola comes to the Sanctuary long before the Lazarus Virus and meets the people who live there in a different way. So pretty much if you know the basic of the show and the characters, than you're good to go. If not, I would suggested that you watch at least the first season before reading this.

Summary: After he was injected with the Source Blood, Nikola's life got turned upside down. Not only was he now a vampire and had to fight the blood lust that was running through his body but it seemed that wasn't the only thing that change within him. He was now getting what Helen's father had discovered most Abnormals to have; Mating Cycles. Being the only vampire alive though was a problem when it came around but just like with his new blood lust, his friends helped him through his cycles. Things have changed throughout time and he have learned to take care of things by himself but now with Helen asked for help against a new Abnormal. Nikola agrees but little does he know though that at the Sanctuary he will find something that will once again turn his life upside down.

6 (Mini so now might end up being Big)

Title: Frienemies in the Dark (????????? This is a working title but it's starting to grown on me.)
Characters/Pairings: Mainly Nikola and Henry but other appearances are Helen, Will, and Kate.
Word Count: >5K
Spoilers: This is post!series, picking up after the last episode with mention of past events.
Author's Notes: Some mentions of events from the show but pretty much if you know the basic then you're good to go.

Summary: While exploring some new tunnels for the underground Sanctuary, Henry and Nikola gets cut off from the others after a cave in closes the tunnel behind them. They slowly learn to work together to find their way through and get back to the Sanctuary but things for them just keep going from bad to worst.

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