Title: Ouroboros: Darkness Ascending Part 1
Rating: R for Violence
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Pairings: Helen/John (past/UST), Ashley/Henry (UST)
Spoilers: Season 2 AU.
Summary: S2 AU - The Cabal and the Sanctuary network are at war. With only one remaining super-abonrmal at their disposal, the Cabal has switched tactics and begun a silent war of attrition. Helen Magnus must not only deal with this threat, but with internal politics that might tear apart her life's work even before the Cabal can. Keeping the peace would be a tall order even if she wasn't having visions of her dead daughter, and hearing whispers in the dark. Is Helen just crazy, or is the message of salvation real? And if she accepts, could it bring about the resurrection of one of the most powerful races the planet has ever known?
jasminago made me art!!!
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