Title: This Empty Northern Hemisphere
geonncannonFandom: Sanctuary
Pairing: Helen/OFC, past Helen/James and Helen/John
Word Count: 30,673
Category: Drama, action
Spoilers: For King & Country, Normandy
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me.
Rating: NC17
Author's Notes: Here's my story for the
sfa-bigbang! Anyone expecting historic accuracy, better look at Wikipedia instead. Thanks very much to
artaxastra for betaing this for me!
Summary: 1980. Helen Magnus and James Watson must breach the Berlin Wall to save a trio of Abnormal sisters. Once in East Berlin, however, Helen discovers that the true test will be escaping. Meanwhile, on the outside, James finds himself held prisoner by an enemy from their past.
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Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter Six Or read it on Sanctuary Fiction!