SPN, I Keep Holding On, 1/1, NC17, Dean/Castiel, 4,492

Aug 14, 2011 07:17

Title: I Keep Holdng On
Author: sephirothflame 
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean Winchester x Castiel, past Dean x Lisa
Warning(s): PWP - rough sex (biting, scratching, pushing, shoving, pinning, hair pulling...), barebacking, rimming, possesive!Cas, bottom!Dean, pseudo-dirty talk...
Spoiler(s): Vaguely for 6.03
Prompt(s): sycophantastic, Dean/Castiel, pushing, pinning, biting, scratching, hair pulling, etc - sex gets downright combative when Castiel is pissed off
Word Count: 4,492
Rants: This started off as a c_f. This is what happens when I try and do fills for @Ginnna. /sighs Also, except for one or two things, this has all of my favorite kinks. >///< Also, appropriate icon is appropriate.
Summary: It's been a year.
Disclaimer: Do not own.

( Dean barely has time to process what’s going on before Castiel shoves him into the wall, hard, and pins him there. )

pairing: dean x lisa, warning: pwp, type: slash, genre: angst, kink: rough sex, word count: 2500 - 4999, year: 2010, character: castiel, kink: tie porn, rating: nc17, fandom: supernatural, pairing: castiel x dean, kink: dirty talk, kink: frottage, character: dean winchester

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