Title: What light through yonder window breaks?
sephirothflame Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean Wincester/Castiel/Sam Winchester
Warning(s): Interspecies/Incest Threesome, sort-of Fallen!Castiel
Spoiler(s): None
hugglewolf asked for Supernatural, Dean/Sam/Cas, Cas may have helped them save the world, but he still went against the Host. Still an Angel, he is deprived of his power of speech and his sense of hearing, and bound to the Winchesters. Cue protective!Sam and Dean, and a vulnerable Cas who can still be a BAMF when the moment requires. (For some reason I see him in Dean's hoodie and jeans, and one of Sam's coats). at
comment_ficWord Count: 779
Rants: This was 38 characters over the comment limit. True story. So here it is.
Summary: Castiel is starting to fall. Dean and Sam are there to catch him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural. Seriously. What a bummer. Or Romeo and Juliet, which the title comes from.
It was never supposed to be like this. )