Title: Our Place In Time
sephirothflameFandom: Generation Kill
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ray Person x Brad Colbert, Walt Hasser, Nate Fick, OFCs
Warning(s): AU, language, porn (frottage, penetration), homophobic slurs (but nothing worse than was used in canon material)
Spoiler(s): None
Prompt(s): Originally written for
we_pimpin's Fall Festival, which I had to drop out of for personal reasons. The name of the intended recipient escapes me, but I doubt they care.
Word Count: ~27,700
Notes: A vague fusion with The 4400, though no knowledge of that series is required to enjoy this. I really just wanted an excuse to write about time traveling Marines.
Summary: Six years ago, Ray was plucked out of time. He comes back slowly, with 4,399 other people he has nothing in common with - except for Walt, who was plucked out of a different war over sixty years before. With Brad's help, they start a road trip across America to figure out what the Hell they've missed out on and maybe make some amends, if they still can.
Disclaimer: I do not own Generation Kill. This is a work of fiction inspired by the fictional portrayal of the actual events. No harm intended.
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three