Title: Where the roads meet
sephirothflame Fandom: Supernatural and Stonehenge Apocalypse (with a shout out to Fringe)
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Jacob Glaser, past Dean Winchester/Castiel. Mentions of Sam Winchester, Ben and Lisa Braeden from Supernatural and Peter Bishop from Fringe.
Warning(s): Crossover, adult situations, a little angsty
Spoiler(s): Through 5.22, "Swan Song" for Supernatural, pre-movie for Stonehenge Apocalypse.
robotlizards asked for "Dean/Jacob - Jake is softer under his clothes than Castiel was." at the "
of assbutts and robotheads, a Stonehenge Apocalypse/Supernatural comment-thing meme." Sorry if this isn't anything like what you had in mind, I just really loved that line.
Word Count: 2,539
Beta Reader: N/A
Rants: Saw SHA for the first time today and knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I had to write SPN crossover fanfiction for it. This is the first one. I have another, unrelated one, in the works.
Summary: Somehow, Dean always ends up back in Boston with Jacob.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the three shows mentioned.
The first time Dean met Jacob was outside a Kwik Shop in late November. )