Title: A for Effort
sephirothflame Fandom: The Pacific
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Eugene Sledge x Snafu
Warning(s): AU, fluff (pet name, hand holding), first time oral
Spoiler(s): None
Word Count: 1,300
Master List: TBA
Notes: This was originally a
snippet texted to
kari_hermione because I get bored on family outings. None of my other fics were speaking to me, so this came about.
Summary: Snafu's gone down on Sledge before. Sledge just wants to return the favor.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Pacific. This was written purely for fun, based off of the fictionalized portrayal of the actual people. No disrespect or harm was intended.
( Sledge looks up at Snafu from between Snafu’s thighs, shifting on his knees nervously as he tries to get comfortable. )