Title: Halloween
sephirothflame Fandom: Generation Kill
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Brad Colbert x girl!Nate Fick x girl!Ray Person, bb!Walt Hasser
Warning(s): AU, genderswap, domestic
Spoiler(s): None
Prompt(s): For
kari_hermione, inspired by
this picture.
Word Count: 1,058
Rants: Basically, Brad is in polyamorous relationship with girl!Nate and girl!Ray. Walt is the baby he has with Nate.
Summary: It’s Walt’s first real Halloween. He’s a shark, it only makes sense to take him to the beach.
Disclaimer: I do not own Generation Kill. This was written purely for fun, based off of the fictionalized portrayal of the actual people. No disrespect or harm was intended.
( It's Halloween. They should be getting ready to go out with friends, family, to celebrate another year by dressing slutty, getting drunk and pigging out on candy. They're not, though. Rae's not. She’s on the beach, holding Natalie’s hand and trailing after an overly enthusiastic Walt and Brad. )