Title: On Stitches
sephirothflame Fandom: Generation Kill
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Brad Colbert x Nate Fick
Warning(s): Domesticity and fluff
Spoiler(s): None
kari_hermione, anything with
ToshibaWord Count: 172
Master List: Part of the
Kitties and Kidlets 'verse
Notes: Toshiba. <3
Summary: Nate has to get stitches and it's the cat's fault.
Disclaimer: I do not own Generation Kill. This is a work of fiction inspired by the fictional portrayal of the actual events. No harm intended.
“If you keep picking at your stitches, you’re going to get an ugly scar,” Brad comments idly, feet kicked up on the coffee table and attention focused intently on his laptop.
For a moment, Nate does stop picking at his stitches, but it’s mostly so he can glare over Brad’s shoulder at the happily purring cat behind him. “They itch,” Nate complains, running his thumb along his chin. “And if I get a scar, it’s because of your Goddamn cat.”
Brad scoffs, reaching behind his head to run his fingers through Toshiba’s thick fur while he gives Nate a disapproving look. He opens his mouth to bitch, but Nate cuts him off.
“We’re not having this argument again,” Nate scowls. “Yes, I tripped over the cat. No, it’s still not funny. Also, we’re not having sex ever again.”
For a moment, Brad is quiet, and he watches Nate curiously. “It is kind of funny that you survived Iraq without so much as a bruise only to come home, trip over a cat, and bust your chin open on carpeted floor.”
Nate glowers at Brad. “Never. Again.”