Welcome to
sf_women_daily, a daily picture and appreciation community for the strong female characters of the sci-fi genre. Feel free to post any sort of picspam, artwork, positive discussions (no character/show bashing), etc. Please no fanfiction.
Our rules and spoiler policy can be found on our profile.
I would like to thank everyone on my friends-list who helped me cap various shows. If a show wasn't capped by them or myself the photos came from the following sites.
http://visiteureka.net/Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis:
http://gateworld.netStargate Universe:
krissiecapsBattlestar Galactica:
http://sanctuary-caps.com/Warehouse 13:
http://www.forgotten-secrets.com/Star Wars:
darcianaThe X-Files:
http://www.xfilesarchive.com/Babylon 5:
http://cap-that.com/Space 1999:
http://www.space1999.net Star Trek:
http://www.trekcore.com/Andromeda: www.andromeda-web.com
http://ufoseries.com If you would like to affiliate, please leave a comment here.