I’ve had a few inquiries into whether I’m running the bracket this year, so figured I’d say something publicly.
The short answer’s no.
For various reasons relating to the bracket, I ended up having an incredibly anxiety-riddled March last year in which I was not productive anywhere else in my life, and basically entered into a common law poly marriage with the F5 key and my browser.
I didn’t have the time/foresight to plan for it this year, so rather than let everyone down with a hastily-thrown-together bracket (remember last year how I’d initially bracketed wrong because I know nothing about sports and how these things work?) and more missed characters and incomplete fandoms, I’m going to point everyone over to io9.
io9 is doing a
“Best Sci-Fi Show Ever Made” bracket for their March Madness this year. While it isn’t character based (and excludes book/film-only fandoms; there are some fantasy TV shows, though), all your shows are there and its run by people who generally have a clue.
We may be back next year, if I can get a little help and/or plan better.
Happy bracketing.