Dec 22, 2005 01:20
"You have to lie to get what you want! Didn't you watch the Republican Convention?"
Carlton Banks, Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Yes, I know that show is from the earlier 90's, but it's always fun (and way too easy) to take a stab at the Conservatives. I mean, when you're ring leader is George Bush, you're more likely to go into debt than a DotCom (or domestic auto company), and you're a selfish, egotistical, self-righteous, moronic asshole, who CAN'T make fun of you?
Did I mention how great they are though? I mean, they've shown us that it doesn't matter who you are, you'll do everything THEIR way. Doesn't matter if it's YOUR potentional child you want to abort, doesn't matter if it's YOUR stem cells being harvested or YOUR life being saved by it, doesn't matter if YOU'RE gay and their not, oh no! Independence is no longer the foundation of this country! It's listening to a bunch of people say how not how the county SHOULD be run, but how the country should be run to only facilitate THEM.
But hey, what can we say? They've been doing that for centuries. Remember the Crusades? (Christians taking back land that belonged to the Jews and Muslims... wait, what?)
There is some clarification needed... I'm not an atheist nor am I agnostic... I'm not even anti-Christian or anything like that... I'm anti-shove-your-beliefs-on-people-and-bully-the-world-when-you're-supposed-to-be-all-turn-the-other-cheek-you-assholes.
You know what I am? I'm pro:
1. Mind your own damn business
2. Keep your beliefs to your own damn self
3. Worry about yourself and when YOU'RE perfect in EVERY way, worry about fixing others
4. Did I say mind your own damn business?
So yes, no more knocking on doors at 6 A.M. asking if I've found Jesus. No more telling the rest of this country what they should do because of what you choose to do. And no more wars, you hypocritical assholes. For such a supposed Love-Thy-Neighbor organization, I find it unbelievable that you've started more wars, those of which are "In The Name of God!", than any other group (and consequently, "In The Name of God!" is the most used reason in all wars).
So, why don't you go home, enjoy you're lives, and let us enjoy ours.
And you're supposed to be the loving, caring peoples of this world? Ha!