And I wish that I could make it better...

Aug 31, 2011 20:00

I feel I should update you with my goings on, I mean why be here if not? :/
I've sent so many texts that whenever i write Hello anywhere I want to add a 'How are you?' to the end of it.
I don't know if I said but Jonny has been back from Australia for a while now its good to have him home.
I am currently managing to endure the summer holidays and i've only had to take the little sister on three outings. We went to see the smurfs movie last week, she enjoyed especially with the couple expecting a baby. She is baby mad i swear, i may have spoiled it just a little by telling her that the lead guy in it was actually gay in real life which she followed with many statements 'He just kissed her though?' - 'Yeah he's acting' - 'Bet he didn't like it' and my favourite 'i bet his boyfriend wasn't happy!'
Finally i purchased a JLS hoodie for her, however I haven't handed it over to her yet she has been up and down with her attitude so much lately, It was a week of firsts for her too just a couple of weeks ago, she had her first hair colour, first weatherspoons experience and her first bout of what is to come for she is a young woman after all.

I applied for a job at the new tesco's being built near us but unfortunately i was unsuccessful in my application so i'm next for a while longer then, we have new guy who's just started on a new modern apprentership scheme it seems he'll be taking over my job soon, Cheers.

Shall we get deep now we've covered common ground?

I feel like my sister and i, my eldest sister that is are drifting apart. Personality wise I don't think were very close any more her likes are changing and i feel were being left behind it bugs me a little. But i'm not sure why is it because of her living her life and me feeling left behind. Is it jealousy that she has the freedom and independence that i don't have? the overall emotion towards her seem to be annoyance perhaps its because i feel like i'm no longer needed?

I had a painstaking day at work yesterday (Tuesday) I got a call from my step mum on Monday night telling me that my dad was in hospital, was rushed in with incredible stomach pains he was let home Tuesday morning and they are poking a prodding at him further soon, they want to put the camera down him and for him to have an ultra scan I'm worried of course, Though they say not to. I've spoke to him today and yesterday i feel like crying right now but there is no reason to for no conclusion has been met except that he has two hearnia's one on his chest and one on his groin. The nurse told him not to go home and google anything because it's the worst thing you can do and it's right because you don't know what your looking for and who knows what you will come across and convince yourself you have i know that i did just that a few months ago and i was beside myself.

I'll keep my fingers crossed, or like Jim Beaver said 'keep humming' :)

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