Title: Of Pens and pens, an older piece, an exercise in dialogue
Word Count: 864
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Everything written here is copyrighted to Sara (aka Sezso). You may not borrow or reproduce anywhere without explicit authorization from Sezso.
It was preciously 6ish on what just had to be a Wednesday. She'd never liked Wednesdays. They were far enough along in a new week that the novelty of it being new had worn off, and they weren't close enough to the end to let her relax.
"Would you stop moping? I can feel you glowering all the way from down here," Jenny said to her little sister (who was actually quite a bit taller than she was, not a fun factoid) as she looked over her shoulder at the figure curled up into herself on the blue sofa. Em continued scowling, glowering, and all manner of similar actions and Jenny turned around, having lost interest and continued scribbling rapidly in a notebook with a quite fuzzy purple pen. Several of the feathers drifted off as she continued scribbling.
"Ya know, if you're going to steal the Pen, the least you could do is be careful with it. There won't be any freakin' feathers left at this rate," Em replied.
This caused some twitching, though Jenny didn't turn around. "Jesus Em, it's just some fuzzy thing that you left laying around for forever. You can't be that attached to it."
"I did not leave it lying around; it was strategically placed as a decoration. It brightened up the whole room. And it's The Purple Fuzzy Pen."
"I know it's a pen, girl. And it was not a decoration; it was thrown on your desk."
"It's not a pen. It's a Pen. Capital letters."
Jenny stopped then and flopped around so she was laying on her back and staring up at Em. "You're nuts. You can't say capital letters."
"It's all in the inflection. And if you can't appreciate it, then you really should give the Pen back." Em sniffed then and reached out a hand, but Jenny ignored her and turned back to her work.
"I think you're better off without it, it's bad for your sanity."
"You're bad for my sanity. And you already said that it's just a 'pen' so you should just go get another. I think I've got some extras."
"Yeah, duh, of course you do. You got prolly five in your purse and one in each pocket. You don't have any in your hair today, do ya?"
"Well the ink runs out! And what happens when I need a red one instead of a blue or black one. Or green! You have to be prepared for anything that might happen."
"What are you, MacGyver? Gonna use the pens to fight terrorism overseas? Or are we just shooting for local crime prevention here?"
"Did you know his name was Angus?"
There was a pause and Jenny looked over her shoulder again, thrown again. "Say what now?"
"MacGyver! His first name is Angus. You have to do something special if you're named Angus."
"Then you've got no excuse, you're named Emily Ann. Nice and ordinary."
"Well the corpse bride was named Emily. And look how she turned out."
"Yes, death is a sure fire way to be interesting. We'll just run out and find you an archenemy and then you can be a tragic martyr. Fun for the whole family!"
"I bet. Then you would get to keep the Pen."
"Yeah," Jenny replied, drawing out the word. "'Cause that's totally my goal in life. When do they say his name is Angus?"
"If you ever watched the show, you'd know. It's one of the episodes."
"Is episodes said with a capital letter too?"
"It's even a two-parter! I love those. It's like a little mini movie only on TV."
"TV is definitely said with capital letters. Seriously, when do they tell you?"
"If you haven't watched the show then it won't matter much, will it?"
"I do watch the show. Just obviously not as obsessively as you do. How many times have you sat through the entire thing now? Seven, so that it's the same as the number of seasons? That would be typical. When do they tell you?"
"Maybe if you give me back the Pen, I'll tell you."
"Maybe if you tell me, I'll give back the pen. Lowercase!"
"Maybe I'll just tickle you into submission," Em said, her hands coming up into claws as she grinned.
"Better not. I might accidentally rip off some of the pen's feathers. Still lowercase!"
"Aw, c'mon. Now you're just being mean."
"You're the one who's threatening me!"
"With tickling? That's hardly threatening."
"I totally fail to see how ripping off feathers is more threatening."
"Because! I like the Pen. It's cute."
"Well I like not being tickled. And getting answers. When do they tell you?"
"Season 7. Mac gets knocked unconscious and gets thrown back to King Arthur's court. It was the most hilarious thing. Merlin was spectacular. Pen!"
"King Arthur's court? That sounds like a case of holodeck."
"Pen!" Em said, holding out her hand and ignoring Jenny's jab at another of her favorite topics.
"Ya know, I don't remember agreeing to this. It was all maybes."
Jenny burst out laughing as she threw the pen towards Em who dove to catch it, nearly falling off the couch. Em glowered.