So, I turn 30 today. Well, I guess that I already DID turn 30. Okay, sweet. Anyway.. so I planned a little "thing" for myself today. It's not really exciting, honestly, but I enjoyed it.
First, a little back story...
Thirty years ago, my parents were handed a newborn baby that apparently wasn't sure she wanted to make it. I spent two weeks in the hospital after birth because my liver was not functioning properly... or much at all, from what I was told. I'm sure that this was very distressing to new parents. Moments after I was taken from the hospital I had a very serious reaction to the Penicillin that they had given me prior to my discharge. Again, very distressing. My parents soldiered on through this rough start and managed to keep me alive for 20 years.
I've managed to keep myself alive and relatively sane for 10 years, now. As much as I hate knowing that I'm getting older... today I spent about an hour ritualistically reminding myself of one important life lesson; when Life hands you lemons... you make Limoncello.
So, here we go! Excuse the pictures, they suck, I'm lazy, and my camera battery was like "BZUH?".