liners..bored and cant sleep.

Dec 05, 2009 05:14

As you sit back thinking this is fine theres really no where eles to go im comfortable...remeber there is always something better...but its humman nature to sit back when its comfortable and ride it out.

sitting on a conner watching traffic go by makes u realize exactly how in tune with repetitiveness we all are. the only thing that changes these day to days are something unknown.

sitting there over thinking the sittuation reading to far into something when in real time has nothing to do with how your putting it. makes u a weeker person.

set a goal.

my life has been a compulation of falts and follies

i know my words dont change paths because if they did i would get payed for them...heh

sometimes suck it in,in the mirror to make yourself feel better.

the ppl that know you the best are the ppl u mimic the most.

so it snowed today...pretty for louisiana yet more evdence of our planet dieing.

you know whats funny a person driving a eco friendly car that works for halliburton.

I love my son.

I think im going to end it on that note lol night LJ.

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