May 15

May 17, 2012 15:20

Got together with my chef friend Stef. She is such an inspiration. I mean, her life reads like a lesson in bad luck; house burning down, shoot outs, health issues galore, AND she's currently starting treatment for her THIRD bout of cancer :/ Man. This is all while having no familial/spousal support, and in fact acting as a fulltime caretaker of her senile mother. I dont know how I would handle it. Actually, I wouldnt. Yet, she is one of the most positive people I have ever met in my life. Upbeat, laughing, amusingly telling me 'yah aint that the shit, cancer again?' The way she explains it is, "I've fought too damn hard to be on this earth to not enjoy it." Good point, good point. Inspirational!

So love getting together with her, chatting and drinking wine...and spent most of the night doing that. It's also awesome that as a chef, she can look at my fridge and where I go 'ehhh.....there is stuff in there. But I dunno what to do with a potato, half old milk and a can of tomato juice' she sees magic, hehe. So we ended up making a delicious caramalized mess of assorted veggies with some feta crumbled on top. YUM! Plus I got some good advice on some other easy recipes, and I'm looking forward to our next get together ('hey, we could do like a cooking night if youre interested' 'OMG of course yes!!' woo hoo, free chef lessons haha). So relaxing though a definetly a burst of positivity that was needed :)


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