I'm back from California. I thought it would be sunny and hot and I could lie by the pool/ocean and get tan and come back skinny and blonde.
Instead it was windy, cloudy, and kind of chilly. June Gloom, they call it in San Diego. Put on a hoodie, take it off soon after, then put it back on.
I still liked it. There was some drama that will probably make a good story someday, but right now just makes me sad. I got a pair of Cheap Mondays for $9 at Buffalo Exchange and they are two sizes smaller than the last pair that grew out of me. I ate good sushi and saw a baby panda at the zoo. Pictures on facebook, blah blah blah.
In today's local news, this is the first summer in Madison where I am glad to be here.
At a party Thursday night, some crust punk came up to me and said he wanted to dance with me but didn't want to step on my toes. I was sold. We smoked some cigarettes and then Carol Brady came out and intruded. We saw her last night, too. Jack asked if she was gay. I said I didn't know.
Starting next week, I'll be working three jobs. But my schedules are effed and I don't know how many hours those three jobs will provide. I haven't worked with the crackies in three weeks, I have to wait three weeks for the next theater show, and I don't know how much Housing will book me. I have to hand out catering fliers for the crackies. Like Mitch Hedberg says, I could go to 1000 businesses or two dumpsters. Too bad I'm a model employee and will walk all around town handing out menus.
Emily's coming to visit at the end of July!!! We're going to get drunk and call Zesty Tim and all the other phone numbers scrawled on napkins that I had nervously asked for when I was 15. Actually, that might be a bad idea. I drunk dialed Uggie Stick Tuna once and it wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be.
Does this entry contain adult concepts? I just noticed that there's an adult content screener on this thing. heh.