Porn Post-Mortems: Seymour & Kasumi at The_Love_Hotel, Part 3

Sep 26, 2009 03:40

WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT: It's over here, the thread where I lost my dignity.

SO WHAT THE HELL: Hey remember where we left off last time? I will never forget it.

Rising up after a few more lengthy seconds, he lapped soothingly and replaced his mouth with a hand, stroking with sensual intent. Coughing quietly, he cleared his throat and swallowed, returning the raw insides to their saliva-coated state and leaning on an elbow as he kissed his way back up a chest, nipping the tail of an intricate tattoo.

A little hoarse, he asked, "Are you okay with me taking you?" The tip of his nose dragged up a collar-bone, tracing the knolls momentarily; kissing a little higher, he applied the same suction to the arch of a throat. "It's okay if not, but I want to feel you around me."
OH MY GOD. (Quick break: this is still a really well-written tag though, isn't it!)

I sat on this for like a day and finally sent a PM to Kasumi-mun stating something like:

Ha ha... really?
Which is a completely bitch-ass thing to say. Kasumi, sensible and mature, replied:

Man, it's cool, whichever is absolutely fine to me - most likely Kas won't mind that much either if Seymour's all RARR MUST SEME, since he's completely used to it. Act as IC as you want, honestly. Kas won't throw a fit, he's mature enough to be snarky without being a dick at the same time.
Which only made me feel worse for being a stickler on this point.

The Law Of Seme Ass

The Law Of Seme Ass is: you must be better than the seme at something major. Taller, stronger, smarter, faster, MOAR POAWERS, something. It is sadly not enough to just be the most adorable guy ever.

I think that if Seymour ever took it up the butt from someone at TLH, it would have to be either crack (i.e. pegged by Didi from Dexter's Lab, bent over the couch by a very aggressive C3PO) or someone whose immense glee made him unstoppable - like Kasumi. Kasumi, who was titled The Joytopper by my followers-on. But it would have to be someone like Kasumi, not Kasumi himself.

At the same time, I felt kind of bummy about it, like "pfft am I just holding out for no reason like a little bitch?" In fact, I may have been. It is only pretendy fun-times after all. Yet I was still reticent, and Seymour's sentiment even in the loose sense that I interpret IC was: one requires a slightly smoother approach than "are you okay with me taking you?" in lieu of anything else.

If Kasumi-mun had said "this is something I really want", we would have made it happen. But instead Kasumi-mun said "PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT w/e."

At the same time, I thought it was inappropriate to do the scene such that Seymour is ramming Kasumi. The mood was all wrong. This was just not meant to be a physically penetrative encounter. I negotiated down to mutual frot, let's leave it at that.

.... Frottage is cool for me! If you'd prefer a steamy 69, that's all gravy too. Seymour can screw (ha HA back at you) with Kasumi's head all he wants, the boy likes to keep attentive and responds well to - or should I say falls for? - distractions.
Actually Kasumi-mun was more than cool about it. Seymour was even given some rather advanced-level permissions to do a bit of headfucking and whatnot. Next tiiiiiimmmmeeee.~

Anyway back to the action.

His smile fell - peculiarly faltering and vulnerable for him. His hand slid from Kasumi's fine yellow hair to the small of his back, and he held him close. He took a deep breath, his expression unfocused, and at last he held Kasumi's violet eyes with his own and murmured, "It isn't what I want. Not in the way you meant." It was unlike him to be so hesistant, but this situation wasn't like anything he was accustomed to, either.

He traced a trail all arabesques down Kasumi's chest. His fingertips rejoiced in the hotness of him and the way his naive fragrance rose from everywhere he touched; at last they closed around his erection and he rolled the surface of his palm against it lightly. "But come, there are other pleasures."
Aw poor Seymour.

One thing that sticks out about this exchange is that I very seldom see TLH threads where lovers disagree on how to love in character - I think it's usually all handled mun-side and the characters themselves always have perfect movie sex. There was something rather erotically-charged about the naturalness of this particular scenario. Not that it would stop me from continuing to flip Kasumi seme bullshit, and not that it would stop Kasumi from flipping cute boy shit at absolutely the entire planet.

"Give me your mouth," He hummed, the arm around Kasumi's back tightening with genuine warmth.

"That'd be hard, s'kind of attached," Kasumi stuttered, a moan breaking over his lips without warning as his erection pulsed with need, bucking into an obliging hand. Shaking his head to clear it and not to be outdone, he renewed his efforts of stroking, nipping at addictive lips.

"Trade off," he grinned, quirking an eye-brow. "What do I get?"

"Don't get cute with me. I'm a very important man." Seymour leered, though the effect was undercut by the naked urgency with which he pumped against the hand that enclosed him. He caught Kasumi's playful lips and sank his teeth into the lower - not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to hold him.

"Howe stiw."
OH COME ON THIS IS CUTE AS FUCKING HELL. This is absolutely an entire litter of sexy kittens' worth of cute. These two bantering: ahn~ <3

Seymour is butching up as I relax into the flow of the scene again - I read these lines mentally as being very "high-powered 80's executive comedy", you know, where the adorable yet ambitious young exec is mashing on the older boss man in a doorway near a room where a lot of black lacquered furniture resides. Come on, guys. You see it too, right?


C'mon guys. Hrnnn.

Butching Up

I don't want to get into a too-extended discussion about how to write Manlier Dialog because it's a subject on which I will wax overlong. But here are three rules that will get anyone off to a good start:

1. Be brief yet specific.
2. Be direct.
3. Use the imperative tense without exclamation points.

Menergy is all about being unashamed to ask for what you want, and to do so with the idea that you already deserve it. It is all about saying what you mean because why on earth wouldn't you.

He could feel rays of Kasumi-desire glaze over him, and - sensitive in his own way, when it suited him, and it so suited him now - Seymour wrapped his huge hand over and around his lover's where it lay on his hungry cock. He could get both of them in hand when they were lined up like this, and still had spare enough for his fingers to brush the inside of his own palm. "Let me," he urged against Kasumi's fever-hot mouth, his tongue flicking its intricate corners. "Just stay close."
You sure are a top, Seymour! You sure are.

I can't help it sometimes. :( No, I don't want to help it. Fortunately Kasumi was willing to play along a little now.

A ragged gasp was drawn out of him and he furled his arms around a body so much broader than his own, absently running his now free hand over the tattoos that held him fixated, wondering if they meant anything. Scattering his fingers down a waist, he clawed with gentle urgency, moans thickening into messy kisses as Kasumi's tenuous hold on manners finally began to slip.

"S-Seymour - hah, ah -"

Words trickled unbeknown amidst the urgent growls that continued to build in his chest, pinning a hip with the single-minded intent of grinding down that much harder. Pleasure began to uncurl in the pit of his belly, sparking startled cries as he chased it, the tang of salt heady under his tongue.

"Yes ..."
Ah, lovely. So often I am presented with what I like to call the Caterpillar Uke: this is the bottom who wriggles and moans and that's... it. I am catastrophically uninterested in that sort of thing.

The impassioned, affectionate, gripping, kissing, touching, panting, alive uke - even if, as in this case, it's not really an uke at all - is clearly a superior article.

Our heroes totally spooge all over each other shortly after this and it is beautiful. Aw, how sweet, now they can shut up and cud-

He was insensate as he slumped back against the bed, his arm trailing limply around slender white shoulders. After a long rumbling sigh, he eventually wedged his hand out from between them and let his fingers enjoy the luxury of cupping Kasumi's elegant hip instead. His pulse slowed, and the sweat that had gathered on his skin had started to dry.

"Shall we marry?" He asked quietly, in a sere and diffident tone.

Over in OOC land I was still smarting from getting so completely led around in this scene, and I was all "TIME TO FLIP SHIT AT THE LITTLE MAN."

...Sighing in parody of his lover with luxurious decadence.

"You're the bride," he grumbled, smiling as tickles shivered across his shoulders.
"No u."

"I look well in white," Seymour amenably replied, laughing quietly in counterpoint. "Though I will be asked why my groom is so runty."
First things first: "I look well in white" was a punchline handed to me from a third party following the thread. Hi third party!

Would Seymour Guado ever use the word "runty", really? I have no idea anymore. I ran through a hundred synonyms for "smaller" and "runty" was the only one that was perfectly playfully insulting. In any event, his gracious antiphony here is of my favorite genre of masculinity. Educated, subtle, good-humored, and unafraid to slum it up a little.

"I'm not runty, you're just stupidly buff. Insult me in half an hour," he instructed, settling down for a nap to regain his senses and the ability to walk.
Perfect. It is exactly the right pitch of cute - endearing without being shrill or supplicating. Kasumi isn't asking for a pat on the head here, he is making a succinct demand to a six-foot-tall alarm clock.

I didn't talk a lot about sex in this post mortem because the sex aspect of this scene was just - relentlessly and evenly good-quality. I would have to quote everything at that rate. I think it was the power dynamics and the adorable banter that made this one for me. I would be delighted to thread with Kasumi again, though I think Seymour might claim he has to see the dentist or something. Thanks very much to Kasumi-mun i_was_serious!

smut theory, kasumi, post mortems

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