I've been a real dink about getting online and not commenting enough on people's entries, sorry! I'll get back to everything once this looming weekend passes :(.
Sitting in what corner fiddling with what gadgets? XD
Did I see you? Did I not? My boyfriend was the one who got the sandwich. ^_^ Were you there? @_@ I don't wanna babble on and not have you know what I'm talking about.
Ahaha, but thank you! The name's been around for ages.
I was the bald guy sitting on Seylyn's right side, providing random wisecracks and checking a DS from time to time. Not important, I just thought I'd demystify myself a bit instead of commenting out of nowhere :p
Your business card has your livejournal on it. But I can't find you on Facebook. >=O
Wow, I probably sound like ... a stalker. But I did say I would stalk you on the interbutts yesterday, soooo~~~
Thanks again for the commission you did. It's sitting up in my cabinet right now. ;o;
And I bet you still can't guess who this is. XD
(I'm the guy sitting in a corner uselessly, fiddling with gadgets :p)
Did I see you? Did I not? My boyfriend was the one who got the sandwich. ^_^ Were you there? @_@ I don't wanna babble on and not have you know what I'm talking about.
Ahaha, but thank you! The name's been around for ages.
<3<3 Thanks for swinging by the table T3Tbbb
Way to go. I SO HATE YOU NOW.
<3 *adds*
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