am I sexy sweet?

Feb 02, 2005 19:38


Name: Valerie
Age: 16 as of 4 days ago
Location: Buffalo, New York
single/taken: single


3 favorite movies: The Breakfast Club, Office Space, Moulin Rouge (plus soo many more)
3 favorite tv shows: I Love Lucy, CSI, South Park
3 favorite stores: Pac Sun, Charlotte Russe, Media Play
3 favorite colors: Red, Silver, Blue
3 favorite books: To Kill A Mockingbird, all Harry Potter (lol), and this one book with three of Shakespeare's most famous plays
3 favorite singers/bands: (oh gosh I have so many..) Nirvana, Green Day, Dashboard Confessional

_Opinions_ ((fully explain your views))

Abortion: My opinion varies depending on the circumstances. If the girl is just using it as a quick fix to her mistakes, then I totally disagree with it; an innocent child shouldn't have to pay for someone else's inability to keep their legs together. However, in the case of incest and rape I'm all for it because there can be many problems associated with both of those circumstances, like mental handicaps.

Gay Marriage: I believe that you can't help who you love, or the sex of that person; so I'm for gay marriage. Also, I hate the double standards placed on homosexuals and how they're sterotyped. They're still humans and they still should have the oppertunity to be happy. Personally, I could never fall into the category of being a lesbian or bisexual, but I have friends who are and they're still the same person regardless of who they fall for and deserve the same rights as a straight person.

George Bush: The elections this year (well, technically last year) were really difficult... I was torn between Bush and Kerry. I hate the fact that we randomly started a war (which is basically a war over religion), and all these soldiers are dying. I realize that we had to take action due to September 11th, but I think we're getting in too deep here. For the most part, I liked Bush, but if I had the chance to vote, it definitely would have been for Nader.

Premarital Sex:  As a random thing, I think it's wrong. But if you really really know the person and feel like you could even be in love with them and you use protection, then I guess I wouldn't frown upon that.... but it's not for me- I'm gonna save it for the person I marry  =).

_This or That_

MTV/VH1: VH1, I love that show- I love the 70s/80s/90s
Jessica/Ashlee: Jessica
Britney/Christina: Christina
Hilary/Lindsay: Lindsay
Phone/Computer: the phone- its more personal, you lose emotion talking through the computer


Why should you be accepted into : I hope this doesn't count against me, but this is the first community I've ever applied to, but they seem freakin awesome and I'd totally be an active member.

3 clear pictures. no links.

 <-- third from the left

promote to at least 3 places & provide links.

tell us something interesting that happened to you in the last week: I GOT MY PERMIT!!!!!!!!! ahhh lol, I love driving!! but I almost killed everyone today... damn those telephone polls getting in my way...

~x  a TON of thanks goes to sweetascandiixo and greekbabe325 !!!!  x~
and I appologize for the pics being huge.. but I'm challenged and thats the best I could do..

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