Well a lot of shizzle has happened this past two weeks! So much that i can't remember everything but I will try. As most of you know I now work at Hot Dog On A Stick, its going ok I can't complain. I have been with Jackie for a little more than a month now and it has been the best month of my life! I got me some new shoes not that you care! My truck deperately needs a a piant job some new tires and a side mirror who wants to get me that for christmas! How is everyone?? I doubt anyone is reading this you are all probablly just looking at the pictures aren't you!!!!! WEll this past Friday was Ricky's Birthday and man did I have a blast, Ricky and I got pretty Tank'D!!
Cody on a Stick anyone??
Half a NIP!!!!!!
Apparently everyone likes drunken Cody!!