
Jan 13, 2005 20:08

i had a really wierd dream last night and i looked up some things that stood out in my mind:

bow and arrow: Dreaming of a bow and arrow, represents a combination of female and male energies. It may refer to your libido or some sexual energy/desire. Alternatively, it symbolizes anger, aggression, or tension. This dream symbol may also be a metaphor that you are aiming for perfection.

hiding: Dreaming that you are hiding, suggests that you are keeping some secret or withholding some information. You may not be facing up to a situation or not want to deal with an issue. However, you may be getting ready to reveal and confess before somebody finds out. Dreaming that you are somebody else is hiding indicates a need for security and protection. In particular, to dream that you are hiding from some authority figure (police, parents, teacher...), implies feelings of guilt.

couch: Seeing a couch in your dream means need for rest and mental cleansing.

running: Dreaming that you are running away from someone indicates an issue that you are trying to avoid. You are not taking or accepting responsibility for your actions. In particular, if you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears. Dreaming that you are trying to run but cannot make your feet move as fast as you want them to means lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. It may also reflect your actual state of REM paralysis while in the dream state. Dreaming that you are running alone means that you will advance to a higher position and surpass your friends in the race for wealth. Alternatively, you may be running from some situation or from temptation. Dreaming that you are running with others means festive and prosperous times.

wood: Dreaming of wood, suggests that you are feeling dead inside and emotionless. You may be behaving automatically and just going along with the flow. Or you may be acting out without fully thinking things through. Dreaming that you are carving or shaping a piece of wood indicates a power-giving, creative act/gesture. Alternatively, the wood may also symbolize spirituality and vital energy

scared: Dreaming that you are scared indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of incompetence. You may be feeling a lack of control. Anger often masquerades as fear, so also consider issues about which you are angry about in your waking life.

i'm not really sure how to put all these together because there are four meanings for each. anyway, i found these definations rather amusing and somewhat true. dreams are strange.
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