Nov 13, 2003 17:45
God! Since I joined Indiana School for the Deaf, I was shitty so shy! Man! haha, um, i got friends, yea but i need MORE!!! ahhhies! anyways, lol.. I found out today that I made it in Indiana School for the zDeaf's VARSITY basketball team! ayayay it means i ll play in Clerc Classic! ahh! ahh! ayayay! anyways.. only, um i think 26 days left to Clarc Classic tournament here.. at ISD! hehe i m ready to see my friends! aya. anyways.. i hate LUNCH perioD! ahh ahh! cuz when i m in classes, i m fine but.... at lunch, i m so shy which makes me sit with um, (i dun who r u) people and sitting and watching the tv rest of my lunch period! MAN! i ve already have some guys pesting me! man, i hate it! i wish i ll eat lunch.. um, in bathroom or sumthin! i m soo shy. and the school finishes at 3 1 5 pm! ahh ahh and on fridays it finishes on 3 0 0 pm! ahh ahh.. sighs, boredom, here I come...
my schedule:
8:00 am- 9:40 am: English/Lit. 1
9:40 am- 11:20 am: Algebra 1
11:20 am-12:10 am: DRama!!! (luv it!)
12:10 am- 12:45 pm: LUNCH! ahh ahh hate IT!
12:45 pm- 1:35 pm: Health/PE
1:35 pm-2:15 pm: Science
2:15 pm- 3:15 pm: History
seriously, on last monday( my first day) I hid in the bathroom during the lunch period! ahhhh!
I M SO S H Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !