Sep 18, 2005 11:30
NimRod 2636: like your not moving i dontc arwe what hesays!!!
BeEeP143: i rely ont feel lik moving
BeEeP143: i like CANT
NimRod 2636: stef you know how much it will like suck
NimRod 2636: your going tobe this happy place...? like wtf
BeEeP143: i kow
NimRod 2636: iw oudl go crazy if everyone around me was that happy
BeEeP143: and if i like wear my studded belt.
BeEeP143: everyone would like be ;ike GASP
BeEeP143: mwahhaha
NimRod 2636: i know they would havea heart attack andlike lock you injail or somthing
BeEeP143: hahahaha
BeEeP143: watch i go there
NimRod 2636: jsut for wearinga studded belt
BeEeP143: and theres like goths
BeEeP143: hahahahah
NimRod 2636: hahahahahaha
BeEeP143: theyll prob suck me in...rape me..and then make me addicted to drugs
BeEeP143: ha.
NimRod 2636: cool.
NimRod 2636: lol
NimRod 2636: jk
BeEeP143: hahaha
NimRod 2636: but it woudl suck here to!!!! like no more golf or loop hahaha or like anything
BeEeP143: no loop!!
BeEeP143: wtF!!
BeEeP143: they prob dont even have a mall
NimRod 2636: ahh your firday nights will be like square dancing or somthing at theb each wuit like 5 year lds
BeEeP143: hahahhahahahahaha
BeEeP143: ill go bike riing to the park
BeEeP143: every friday
NimRod 2636: omg
NimRod 2636: shut up
BeEeP143: and start wering poodle skirts
NimRod 2636: sandy will become you liek best friend hahahaha
BeEeP143: and putting my hair in pin culrs
BeEeP143: hahahaha
NimRod 2636: omg
NimRod 2636: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
NimRod 2636: DFJ:SKJ
NimRod 2636: jahhahahaha
BeEeP143: i would like call u in a beverly hill accent
NimRod 2636: AHHHHH
NimRod 2636: loser pt. 2
NimRod 2636: lol
BeEeP143: HAHAHAHAHAH...i would have u come over...and we acutally plan a schedule to do
bike riding at 2
gives us enough time ot go to the candy store by 3
then we can go to th epark
and then listen to some new rcordes
NimRod 2636: like the local commity thingy will like drag you to the church and liek abtize you or d o some of that shit with liek the cross and yeah...cuz youll go there goth and come back like ....god?
NimRod 2636: lol
NimRod 2636: om
NimRod 2636: g
NimRod 2636: i would kill you if you did that
BeEeP143: hahaha
NimRod 2636: stef when you thereNEVER TOUCH A BIKE!!!!
NimRod 2636: lol
BeEeP143: ill like smash a bike in front of familys
and the kids would start cryng
NimRod 2636: hahahahahaha
BeEeP143: and then run inside
BeEeP143: and the parents try to cover their eyes
NimRod 2636: you engite it in flames and the whole town circles it and starts like roiting at you then they burn you at the cross
NimRod 2636: lol
BeEeP143: damn
NimRod 2636: no.
NimRod 2636: you cant moove rhereerer
BeEeP143: that would suck
and then i didnt die
NimRod 2636: ha
BeEeP143: and they would al be scared of me
BeEeP143: and i wold fliy the night
NimRod 2636: youb be liek JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!!
BeEeP143: and all the chiledren ahad to be in bed by 8 cuz of me
NimRod 2636: hahahahahaha
NimRod 2636: no they already were in bed by 8
NimRod 2636: sometimes 730
NimRod 2636: you would liek find ways for the town to burn you on a cross..just so you wouldnt have to live there any more
NimRod 2636: lol
BeEeP143: wat would my name be
NimRod 2636: ohh god
NimRod 2636: ha
BeEeP143: phantom stef
NimRod 2636: humm
BeEeP143: to original
NimRod 2636: yeah
BeEeP143: mwahah
NimRod 2636: it should be stef the flying crying dying sighing byuing killer of the own of stoew
NimRod 2636: hahahahahahahah no
NimRod 2636: lol
NimRod 2636: your going to stowe right
BeEeP143: no
BeEeP143: easton
NimRod 2636: ohh
NimRod 2636: hahahahah
BeEeP143: whwere the grass is green
NimRod 2636: ahhhhhhhhhh
BeEeP143: ill like make my yard BLACK@
NimRod 2636: and the birds cherp at thecrack of dawn
NimRod 2636: hahaha
NimRod 2636: god
BeEeP143: hhahaha
NimRod 2636: lol
NimRod 2636: i could picture you house...
BeEeP143: ill like make my little cuzins...punk
BeEeP143: so the thells would rock the scool
NimRod 2636: okay you live in a circle and every house looks the same...same shape and crap with green grass with swing sets int eh back yard...where chldernt go outside to play....and in the corner you see a old crumbling house that is black wihj dying grass and a sing that says "if you play ion my lawn ill kill you just for the hal of it"and then you gwet a hump on your back and you chace kids away from you lawna dn the crows are liek living in your house and yeah
NimRod 2636: you get the picture
NimRod 2636: lol]
BeEeP143: hahahahahahaahahhaha nice
BeEeP143: NICE
NimRod 2636: THEN the town burns you on teh cross
NimRod 2636: lol
NimRod 2636: i smell like onions.
NimRod 2636: lol
BeEeP143: wow
thats rite
an convo about me moving...look how scary it is=(