Yes, ridiculous is the word for it. Allergies.
I had mild seasonal allergies growing up. They weren't super bad. In fact, the side effects of medications were worse than not taking anything. Hence my never treating any type of mild allergy symptoms.
In the past month I have had all sorts of weird trouble including reactions to insect bites landing me in the ER and epinephrine shots, crazy swelling rashes over 90% of my body, and weird panic attack-type breathing problems. WTF?! Surely my weird reactions had to have been some new food allergy development, or some rare new thing I was exposed to.
NOPE. My recent encounters with urticaria and such is a result of the fact that I am now suddenly1 severely allergic to no less than 29 things. Even better news: 28 of the 29 are things that I have very little control over, while the one thing I can control rather well would require that I get rid of my wonderful wonderful baby2 cat.
Oh, I suppose I could avoid the occasional romp in the hay3.
How sad!
And thanks to
comicserpent for the idea of using footnotes... mildly humorous and extremely useful.
1-Or I have been allergic to them all along but so mildly that the reactions were undetectable.
2-And of course by baby I mean two years old and over 12 lbs.
3-Hay containing a mixture of any of the following or their respective pollens and spores: nearly all molds, Bermuda, Timothy, Bahia, Perennial Rye, Salt, Red Top, and Johnson Grasses; Ash, Elm, Cottonwood, Willow, Sycamore, Hackberry, Mulberry, Pecan, and Ligustrum trees; Ragweed, Pigweed, Marsh Elder, Kochia, Cocklebur, Sheep Sorrel, Dog Fennel, Russian Thistle, Lamb's Quarters, and W. Water Hemp.
For the record, I have a BS in biology (at least I can claim that since it is in microbiology and not botany) but don't know what the fuck most of these plants are; I might recognize them by their scientific (latin) names.