Mar 07, 2005 10:17
Mmmmm.... I always hate monday mornings. Today was especially... well,... huh. Whatever.
I was about to hop nakedly into the shower when I remembered it wasn't draining very well. I knew it was going to disgustingly unpleasant, but I proceeded to try cleaning the drain. After a futile attempt at grabbing 'stuff' with a wad of TP, I scampered off to the kitchen to get the rubber gloves. I hereby declare that next to finding a rotting corpse, cleaning out shower plumbing possibly filled with decaying hair and matter from a previous tenant is one of the nastiest things I can imagine. Luckily I hadn't eaten anything beforehand, because I would have compounded the nastiness with vomit. That shit, including the gloves got double-bagged and thrown out the front door for later. (And I somehow managed to time that perfectly so that a neighbor leaving for work at 7:15 caught a split-second glimpse of my naked ass as I did this).
After much self scrubbing and showering I felt clean enough to enter the day. I walk into my closet to get dressed, followed by 'Zilla (the apparently oppressed gay cat who prefers to play in the closet). As I stand there... (indecisive libra)... the cat lets one rip. Now I've smelled the cat's gas before so I know he does it, but this time I actually heard it (loud enough to make a school boy giggle). What the HELL??!! It still is not yet 8:00 and I swear the day is conspiring with the gods to gross me out.
No breakfast and a short commute later, I walk into the office to hear the words: "when my breasts are full..." Now THIS sounds promising. :D However, continuing to listen, and seeing the source of the comment: " blah blah blah... nipple... blah blah blah... at least they're not dripping...". GAH!! Come on! No one (well, ok, apparently at least one other person) is interested in hearing gross leaky breast stories from a new mother at the office.
I fear what the afternoon may bring.