well hello everyone! How have you all been. Sorry its been so long since I've done a proper update. The last i updated i was 5 months pregnant and had just found out i was having a little girl. so now here we are 7 months later. ( I know pathetic huh!!) My daughter was born on August 3rd and 1:04 a.m. and her name is Gianna Marie. She weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 22 in long.
My birth sory.... I was Due on August 1st and that morning i started having contractions and they were coming every 3 min for a few hours so i went to the hospital. they checked me and i was 1 cm and 80% so they watched me for a few hours and had me walk around, but nothing was happening so they sent me home. (This was like the 3rd time i had been there for false labor) they made an appointment for me on the 3rd to check my progress again. I continued dto contract on and off the rest of the day. On the 2nd i had some contractions but they were tolerable then at around 1:00 or so they started to get really bad. I went to the bathroom and my mucus plug had come out and the contractions were getting worse so i called my Dr. She told me to wait till my contractions were closer together, or my water to break to come in, or she we see me the following day at my appointment. So as the day went on they got worse, but they were still very irratic. at around 6:00 my roomate came home from work and saw me on the floor on my hands and knees swaying back and forth screaming and crying. I told her waht the dr. said and she said fuck that!!!! i dont care what she says i'm taking you NOW!!! When we got to the hospital I was 3cm and fully efaced,. they were keeping me this time!! A few hours after i got to the hospital the finally gave me an epidural. i was in so much pain that i was throwing up with every contraction untill they gave it to me. About an hour before i had her the epidural wore off on my right side so they gave me another one but it never took effect. After a total of seven hours of being in the hospital it was time to push. the doctor told me to do a few practice pushes while she was setting up, so on the first one the doctor turned around and saw that her head was half way out. She screamed stop pushing her head is almost out!!! IM not ready yet!!!! When the doctor was ready I pushed three more times and there she was!!! MY BEAUTIFULL PRINCESS!!!!
Gianna is almost 3 months now!! She is such a good happy baby. She already sleeps through the night.
I was breastfeeding for about the first 2 months but she wasnt getting full enough off my breastmilk she would want to eat like every 20 min and it was wearing me out, i couldnt get anything done, and i had to go back to work since its just me that is financially responsible for her.
so thats the sory with Gianna so far.
As for me im doing ok. I ended up moving to vero in may. My best friend let me live with her. I was about 6 months pregnant and lost my job and had a hard time finding work cause i was so far into my pregnancy and because i had no job i lost my apartment. but i'm starting to get back on my feet. I'm working at Too Jays waiting on tables and am saving my money so that i can move back to west palm.