Nov 09, 2004 16:10
So Like 10 minutes ago I told Mol I gave up on this whole live journal thing. But then I was really bored and was like no I'm gonna keep it up... riiiight ...
2nites the prom for Laguna Beach and its going to be CRAZZZZZZZZY! Oh Lord, how i loved prom! I can't believe its already over? Jr and Senior prom were the shit (other than a few minor mishaps! haha)
So it snowed yesterday? I completly missed out on it here at Fredonia. But i hear in Buffalo it was goood! I can't wait for Thanksgiving wherever I'll be spending it! Blah massachustestsdf ( I cant even spell that ) and most importantly I can't wait for our Thanksgiving Dinner here @ fred with the girls! Today I met a girl from Korea who has a boyfriend! Thats 15 hours away ON A PLANE! jeeeeeze and I thought 50 minutes by car is pretty tuff! oooh booy!
I also can't wait for Thanksgiving to see my bests AGAIN! When Lard came home it felt like it was JUST LIKE LAST YEAR around this time! We were drove aroung being assholes, layed in her bed under the covers together reminsing just about everything (((uhhhoooooh)))), and partyied like we ustaaaaaaa...However no puking and scouping or sleep walking into parents bed? HA!
This weekend I'm taking a trip to the Galleria! I can't wait to go to the mall! I havent been there in FOREVER! but I'm not shopping for myself so thats going to be HARD! OMG MOLLLLLLLLLY I FOUND THE BEST SHIRT FOR YOU!! I'm so excited for Christmas, because I actually have money to spend! Then after it I'm going to be BROKEEE! I applied to Quality and they offered me a interview in the deli right away but i dont want to work in the deli! I'll chop my finger off or something! I want a job at tanning but the manager scares me! Blah!
I'm glad I'm going to be at the library the next 2 days! I swear! I hope I follow through on that!
Well I'm glad to be back!
I<3333333 you allll!