(no subject)

May 02, 2004 15:28

hey journal buddies!,
i was supposed to write in here yesterday but i ended up talking to dominique. we had a lOoOoOng conversation. i havent really been doing nuthing lately. its been pretty boring! on friday i went to my friend brittnis and then saturday i stayed with theresa. i wanted to go to ricos party but....my mom was going out and so i wouldnt have a ride home. :{ i heard it was good! but i guess ill just have to go next time (if there is a next time)i havent read jessicas but i heard that in it, it said that we werent really talking alot. well the reason for that is because everytime i call her or shes on the phone with donny or hes over there or there together somehow! thats why it seems like we havent been hanging out. but i still love ya!Ü danceline is kinda kool it would be better if they werent so strict! i am soo excited about the green and white game. if they play a trick on us at least i wont have to worry about messing up. or being off count. lol...... alright well im gonna go now. (post me if you love me!)Ü lol...
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