Typical Entry

Sep 08, 2010 18:06

I've been rather exhausted today, as I've been stressed quite a bit recently. It's not that uncommon for me to get tired, but I'm still waiting for the usual second wind.

I've also considered changing my LJ username for...quite some time, actually. Not because I get mocked for it, believe it or not. It's mostly because I've outgrown it. I don't mean this in a condescending way, just that times have changed for me. Oh, right. I don't recall explaining the origins of this name. Basically, it was an inside joke. Many years ago, I acquired the nickname Sanzo, and which inspired a makeshift cosplay endeavour for a convention which I attended with a couple of my friends at the time. One such friend loved to shock our rather conservative and homogeneous classmates, developing a strong need to be seem outrageous to her audience. Thus I became her Sexy Sanzo at the time. The tale is rather mundane, despite the occasional emoticons and "lolwuts" the username sometimes gathers.

That being said, we parted ways and haven't spoken in years. While Sanzo was more of a widespread nickname for me, to the point at which I have a jersey with it written on the back, Sexy Sanzo was specifically that former friend's name for me. I'm not sure if I want to keep it, considering that fact. The name doesn't bother me that much. It's not like I am filled with bitterness or sadness when I see it, but it really isn't the name I'd choose when signing up on a website. On the other hand, I tend to lack the dedication to this journal.

I've also considered doing the same with my email, as it's impractically long and difficult to remember (or spell, for that matter) for anyone unfamiliar with Japanese. That and the word Twilight is in it. I used to use and abuse that word until a certain series of books came out, but I prefer to avoid it now. The email is really a priority, as it's more important to me than LiveJournal, but LJ is far easier to switch out.

On another note, someone I know offline commented on how I never update my DA account anymore. I have mostly doodled a bunch of subpar messes of lines on notebooks and in one sketchbook. Not sure how I feel about them, since I really haven't improved much over the last few years, and that bothers me. Also, my tablet is finally starting to go the way of the dinosaurs, making it difficult for me to digitally ink...and now that I think about it, I don't have access to my own scanner, making it difficult and/or awkward to make color over the digital copies to begin with. Even so, the fact that he noticed kind of made me want to share something. I just don't have much that I'd want to share.

Other than that, I am quite attached to this Haro. Also, I was supposed to post another entry a couple of months ago. That...might happen soon once I feel motivated to upload all of the photos onto my Photobucket account. Well, all of the photos of objects and/or scenery, anyway.
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